School staff morale booster – every school needs them! Especially around the spring or Easter season ….late into school year….. testing season…. a pick me up is great for teacher morale. Imagine walking down the halls into another March day, the ones that last forever and never seem to get closer to spring. We never had a Spring Break so no fun week looking ahead for us at school. Teacher morale was low. Students could tell it was almost palpable in our building.
A sunshine committee idea we thought of was to have a Staff Easter Egg Hunt to brighten spirits and boost teacher morale! A few prizes, donations, and FREE coupons make this teacher morale idea one to do year after year! Keep reading to see how to put this Egg Hunt for Staff in your school today!
Boost Teacher Morale (and the Overall School Morale Too!)
Increasing school staff morale is sometimes more than just one event but do NOT discount how far ONE little event can go to help across a WHOLE building!
*IMPORTANT* Every single staff member received an egg (prize!) in this school staff morale booster egg hunt! This goes a long way to boosting teacher morale when everyone knows they are getting a prize not just a select few!
Here are the exact steps we went through for our Easter Egg Hunt for staff:
- Get Admin Approval – we ran our idea past our admin since some prizes did involve their approval. Even if they took out some ideas they would probably keep most!
- Low Cost Teacher Morale Booster Ideas (see list below!) If these didn’t fit in an egg the writing was inside and then they took to the office to redeem!
- $5 Target Card
- 5 Starbucks
- Sharpie Pens
- dessert cooked by our class (we have a class reward coming up and they love this so we plan to cook for one teacher.) Yes we can cook at school….beside the point.
- coupons donated by McDonalds. I called the business office in our area and they mailed me some after explaining it was for teachers. These are my fillers to ensure everyone gets an egg! I planned to call Sonic too but didn’t get a chance, they might have coupons as well.
- VIP parking
- 30 min class coverage (only 2 of those!)
- Free ice cream or soda (50 cents) included in each of those eggs because that is the cost at our school
- JEANS DAY passes
- Pizza or Grill – we have 1 local restaurant in our town so 4 people on the same day can order food from there for lunch and have it delivered.
- duty free lunch – eat in the faculty room! Wouldn’t believe how much I want this one!!!
- Stuff and Hide Eggs. We chose to limit it just to our faculty room but you could do whole school, the office or in each classroom for the teachers as well.
Form a Sunshine Committee
You might ask how to form a sunshine committee at your school (it could have any name you choose!) and if this is something that would be a good fit for your building.
Find teachers (like you!) or ones you know that are interested in teacher morale and boosting school staff morale with fun sunshine committee ideas, gifts, and surprises throughout the year.
Put your heads together and split up work or months so no one gets overwhelmed. Ask your PTA/PTO to help or sponsor ideas you have as well.
Little ideas go a long way so when planning elementary school teacher morale boosters, think small! A staff egg hunt is do-able with little setup and clean up.
Grab your FREE Staff Egg Hunt Coupons for a hopping good time this Spring!
Best of luck with your school staff morale booster!
This post was written by Amber at SSS Teaching. Please head over and tell her “hi” & “thank you”!
Thank you!!