In this download TpT sellers will walk away with a better understanding or the basics of writing a Pinterest pin description. They will learn how to use the Pinterest search bar, the three main points to focus on within a pin description, plus other great tips and tricks.
- 15+ minute video access
- Seven page PDF download (overview, note taking, +)
Please note –
- This is the SAME presentation I gave at the virtual TpT Forward 2020 conference (that was supposed to be in Chicago).
- I also gave this presentation at Shelly Rees’ Florida Fun & Focused Retreat in October 2019.
- While this presentation has been updated since those 2019 and 2020 presentations, I am not promising it will be updated again in the future. You are purchasing this download with information that works TODAY. (With that said, my strategy has largely stayed the same since 2016 – so you can expect the basics of this presentation to work for years to come. 🙂 )
With purchase you will walk away with a better understanding of how to take your pin descriptions to the next level to help them get more exposure on the important, traffic-driving platform that is Pinterest.
Whether you are brand new to Pinterest or feel you have a strong grasp on the platform, this session will leave you feeling confident in your pin writing abilities.
Purchase rights –
- Purchase of this download is to be shared with only ONE TpT store. If you have a TpT partner that you share a store with, you can both access this one download.
- If you have a mastermind, every person in the mastermind needs their own purchase of this item. So if there are five people in your mastermind, you can purchase five copies OR every person can come buy their own.
- If you have a Virtual Assistant (VA) that works exclusively for you, they can watch your video. However, if your VA is not exclusively working for you, please ask them to purchase their own copy or buy an extra to gift to them.
- Other questions? Please ask before purchase. There are NO REFUNDS on digital downloads. Thank you!
~Heather aka HoJo~
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