Estimation can be a hard skill to master. I’ve found the best thing is PRACTICE! Let kids master estimating with practice. This can be used for area OR perimeter.
- 46 images (listed below)
- August – apple, bus
- September – leaf, books
- October – bat, jack-o-lantern
- November – turkey
- December – sleigh, gift, Santa, hat
- January – igloo, mitten, penguin, snowflake
- February – heart 1, heart 2, heart 3, rose
- March – clover 1, clover 2, horseshoe 1, horseshoe 2
- April – egg 1, egg 2
- May – daisy, frog, ladybug, ice cream cone
- Other – fish, owl, paw print, pig, snail, watermelon, sun, tree, sheep, oval, star 1, star 2, square, rectangle, triangle1, triangle 2, circle
Each image is in color or black and white.
You choose the measurement tool (paper clips, pennies, etc), or use one of the seven measurement tolls included at the end of this download.
Here is the language I use: “Let’s think about how many paper clips would fit inside the apple. Write your estimate, or guess, on the first line. Now fill the apple with paperclips to determine its area. Finally, write the actual number on the second line. That is the area of the apple.”
The goal is for student’s estimate and actual number to get closer to one another as the year progresses.
- Math centers
- Review
These work great with Kinders, first, or second graders in the classroom or homeschool.
Thank you for your interest! Please ask any questions you may have prior to purchasing.
~Heather aka HoJo~