Hi! I’m Jamila, and I have been educating youngsters, and supporting teachers since 1997! Today I’m excited to guest blog and share some great “Tidy Tips” that will help make your Back to School Classroom organization a snap!
Welcome back to school y’all! I just finished my first week and I’m so pooped. It’s
nothing like back to school teacher tired. But today I had to pull it together and give a little more to share some cool tips with all of you. Thanks HoJo for this opportunity to guest blog on your site and share my 5 “Tidy Tips” for staying organized this school year.

Make a Pencil Cup to host all classroom pencils. You can grab my Pencil Cup Freebie to help you out this school year. Use this cup as a home for all your students’ pencils. Encourage them to return their pencils to the cup at the end of the day. I also like to sharpen pencils that evening before I leave out the door. So I don’t have to hear that pesky pencil sharpener in the morning.
Create Tidy Tubs for each table, this will cut down on the extra out of seat movement to and from the classroom trash can. Each table or group has their own “Tidy Tub” and the Tidy Team Captain is responsible for emptying and checking the group after each activity and at the end of the day. You can grab my FREE labels here.
Create Tidy Tubs for each table, this will cut down on the extra out of seat movement to and from the classroom trash can. Each table or group has their own “Tidy Tub” and the Tidy Team Captain is responsible for emptying and checking the group after each activity and at the end of the day. You can grab my FREE labels here.
Assign a Tidy Team Captain for the classroom or each table. I like to designate one person per table or group to be in charge of the overall tidiness of the table. You can probably clearly identify those students within the first week of school. They are excited to clean or always keep their areas looking great!
Assign a Tidy Team Captain for the classroom or each table. I like to designate one person per table or group to be in charge of the overall tidiness of the table. You can probably clearly identify those students within the first week of school. They are excited to clean or always keep their areas looking great!
Purchase a bag of wrapped candies, erasers, or other small treats. Attach one to a Tidy Desk card and reward students who keep clean desks. Over the years, I’ve moved away from having desks so I like to use Tidy Cards for their clean cubbies or caddies. Be creative! Your class will love this and your students will work hard if you really hype it up big and randomly choose different days to surprise them with “tidy treat cards“!
Purchase a bag of wrapped candies, erasers, or other small treats. Attach one to a Tidy Desk card and reward students who keep clean desks. Over the years, I’ve moved away from having desks so I like to use Tidy Cards for their clean cubbies or caddies. Be creative! Your class will love this and your students will work hard if you really hype it up big and randomly choose different days to surprise them with “tidy treat cards“!
Make your copies for at least 2 to 3 weeks. I love to make my copies after school when there is not a long line. Be sure to organize your materials and copy away without the dreaded pressure of glaring teachers trying to rush you in the morning before the bell rings! Try using cute copy clips to help “tidy” your desk or table as you prepare for your big COPY it all day!
Make your copies for at least 2 to 3 weeks. I love to make my copies after school when there is not a long line. Be sure to organize your materials and copy away without the dreaded pressure of glaring teachers trying to rush you in the morning before the bell rings! Try using cute copy clips to help “tidy” your desk or table as you prepare for your big COPY it all day!
I hope you found these Tidy Tips for BTS organization helpful, and BIG thanks to HoJo for allowing me this opportunity to guest blog!
Jamila James, Ed.S. is author of the blog, Tidy Teacher. She enjoys designing curriculum, blogging, and sharing organization tips and hacks for busy educators. Visit her TpT store or follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, or Periscope for more great ideas to support your organized classroom.
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