We all know the upcoming school year is going to look different. Teachers and educators around the world are already wondering what this new “normal” means for their students and themselves. Whether you are in the social distancing classroom, doing remote learning, or partaking in some type of hybrid between the two – this post is for you!
My friend Amy and I have started an Instagram and Facebook page to keep a safe conversation for teachers and educators around the world to share what is working for them. But it goes beyond conversation…
We teamed up with over 150 other teacher-bloggers to share our best social distancing classroom tips, ideas for remote teaching, FREE downloads, and resources to help you! We want to ensure the 2020-2021 school year goes as smoothly for you and your students as possible.
It doesn’t matter which grade level you teach because we created four FREE e-books –
PreK-2nd Grades
3rd-5th Grades
6th-12th Grades
Others like SpEd, SLPs, and more!
You can find all four free e-books by clicking here or on the image below!
Want to take it even further? Check out the amazing BUNDLES we have for Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd/3rd grades, and 4th/5th/6th grades. These bundles are meant to review materials from the previous year.
We know the summer slide is real, but with schools getting shut down early last spring, kids are going to be even more behind than normal. (Thanks a lot, COVID slide! #sarcasm) That’s why these bundles can help! Click here to check out all four!
Or click on any individual picture below to go directly to that bundle. Remember – these are only available through August 15, 2020! After that the collaboration between these teacher-moms goes away and you won’t find these bundles for sale again.
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