Today’s students don’t need to have the same dictionary skills as students of days past. With all the technology available, it’s easy for students to use spell check. BUT that doesn’t mean spelling or dictionary use has completely gone away! Today’s dictionary resources are a great collection of FREE downloads and resources to help your upper elementary students master the dictionary.
Grab my dictionary skills syllable search resource now!
In order to help students become more comfortable with dictionaries, they need to practice! I’ve compiled various dictionary activities to help you get your students the practice they need.
Introduce the Dictionary
Review the Basics of Alphabetical Order
Do a basic ABC order to help introduce students to how to use the dictionary. Once you’ve got that basic skill retaught, dive right into actual dictionary use! Cara Carroll has a fabulous idea over at her blog! {She even turns the activity into a super cute art project!}
Linda Nelson at Primary Inspiration has a great freebie on her blog if your students need more alphabetical order practice.
Review the Basics of Guide Words
There are many great ways to practice dictionary skills. This vocabulary building freebie from Natalie Snyders is one great way!
Grade School Giggles has another great freebie on her blog. It’s better for younger learners who still need the guide lines when writing.
Dictionary Dig is a great activity to use with any word list (even spelling words)! I Love 2 Teach has the freebie right on her blog! She even has a bonus on her sheet where students write riddles!
Use this freebie from Rachel Lynette to get some more practice. And Teaching in Flip Flops has a fun bulletin board that gets even more dictionary practice in!
Keep on Practicing
If you need even more hands-on dictionary ideas, Rachel Lynette over at Minds in Bloom has some great ideas in this blog post. The Elementary Librarian also has a great list of activities on her website.
There are also a resource in my store that help with dictionary skills. It’s entitled Dictionary Fun: Syllable Search. It has students practice their syllables and dictionary use at the same time. With five printables included, students will find ten words per sheet. They need to be creative and search the dictionary for the word with the most syllables. You can turn it into a game, particularly as a literacy center!
(You can even learn how to do them for FREE!)
Click here now!
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