Have a bunch of student loans? Teach special ed? Or in a low income school? Or maybe you're in an area of shortage? Then read on! You may qualify to have part or all of your student loans forgiven! Teacher student loan forgiveness is a real thing! I qualified for over $7,000 in forgiveness, and you might too! The federal teacher student loan forgiveness program is the real deal! I received $5,000 in loan forgiveness. (I'd already had all of my … [Read more...] about Teacher Student Loan Forgiveness
Search Results for: label/Student Loan Forgiveness
The Most Important Educator Lesson
I'll never forget the most important lesson I learned in college as an educator. It had a HUGE impact on me, and I still think about it every year as I get my new group of students. I was a double major - elementary and special education. At my particular university, this meant I took 13 credits more than than someone pursuing a an elementary education degree. What it really meant - more sped classes. No biggie. So I took my special … [Read more...] about The Most Important Educator Lesson
Helpful Hints & Tips for New Teachers
Congratulations! You got through student teaching, found a teaching position, and you're ready to get started. YEA! It's an exciting time! Today I want to share some helpful hints and tips for new teachers. Your brain is probably in overdrive right now. You're trying to remember everything you learned during your years of college, while student teaching, and all the helpful information gathered from veteran teachers. But I know from experience … [Read more...] about Helpful Hints & Tips for New Teachers
Getting Parents On Your Side As An Educator
Getting parents on your side can sometimes be a challenge for teachers, but it doesn't have to be that way! I've taught in a variety of schools over the years, and I've never really struggled with parent/guardian interactions. Instead, I've implemented the strategies below. If you do the same, you can get parents on your side right from the first day of school! - 1. Start the School Year Off Right I don't care what grade level you teach, there … [Read more...] about Getting Parents On Your Side As An Educator
Kindergarten Reading and Writing Centers
Here's how I taught Kindergarten Reading and Writing Centers. No, I am not teaching Kindergarten this year, but I wanted to let you know how I ran my Kindergarten centers when I was teaching them. Everyone runs theirs differently, but I always like reading what other people do. Sometimes I hear about something and it's like, "Whoa! Why hadn't I thought of that?!" So here is what I did, as well as links to as many of the resources as I could … [Read more...] about Kindergarten Reading and Writing Centers
What I Wish I’d Known…
Things I Wish I'd Know as a First Year Teacher - classroom management must start on day ONE! - consistency is key - how to run reading workshop - math facts ARE important! - games can be educational too - that everything doesn't need to be perfect - that it's healthier for me to have a life outside of school - that parents are going to get upset from time to time - sorry goes a long way - sometimes it's better to seek forgiveness than … [Read more...] about What I Wish I’d Known…
Real Life Math Activities
If you are on the lookout for real life math activities, you're going to love the various projects below. Most with differentiated and editable options ensure you can switch up the math and extend the learning to match your individual students from 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade. But before we dive into what these are all about, I've love to give you a little background on why I chose to start creating real life math activities in the first place. … [Read more...] about Real Life Math Activities
Financial Literacy Activities for Kids
If you're looking for financial literacy activities for kids, you've found them! These editable worksheets ensure you can teach math skills AND financial literacy for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. We give you the basic questions to start, and then you can extend the learning with the editable options or through more directed teaching to ensure all your students' individual needs are met. I know financial literacy standards and … [Read more...] about Financial Literacy Activities for Kids
How to Handle Student Seizures
"What do I do if a student has a seizure?" While that thought may not cross every first year teachers mind, it certainly does cross your mind the second you find out there is a student prone to seizures in your classroom. But please also note that just because you are not aware that a student has previously had seizures, it could happen to any typical, healthy child in your class at any time! That's why today's post is going to share how to … [Read more...] about How to Handle Student Seizures