These hands-on Kindergarten literacy puzzles work great for classroom and homeschool students. They make learning exciting and FUN. They’re a great worksheet alternative or ELA center. When used, these bring critical thinking skills into your lessons with the large variety of puzzle options. The best part? The kids LOVE them, so they don’t even realize they’re learning!
You can get Kindergarten Literacy Puzzles on TPT here.
Or you can get same Kindergarten LIteracy Puzzles from my site here.
Here are the topics included.

You get 17 different downloads with over 80 different puzzles – many with multiple options.
These puzzles are great for –
- ELA or literacy centers, stations, or rotations
- Review
- Early or fast finishers
- Enrichment
- GATE (gifted and talented education)
- Worksheet alternatives
- Critical thinking skills
- Student, partner, or small group collaboration
- Online or distance learning (with the puzzles that have digital options)
Students are motivated by these puzzles. They want to finish the puzzle and feel successful! They work hard and figure it out. Plus they’re working on their perserverance skills too!
Ooooo – another fun fact! This bundles is over ***70% off***! I know what a teacher’s budget is like, so I wanted to make these super affordable for you!
You can get Kindergarten Literacy Puzzles on TPT here.
Or you can get same Kindergarten LIteracy Puzzles from my site here.
Let’s dive into the individual puzzles even more!
Here are the 80+ Kindergarten literacy puzzles included –
- Pre-Primer Sight Words (13 puzzles)*#^
- Kindergarten Sight Words (18 puzzles)*#^
- Letter Recognition (10 puzzles)**^
- What Letter Comes First? (4 puzzles)**^
- What Letter Comes Between? (4 puzzles)**^
- What Letter Comes Last? (4 puzzles)**^
- AR & AKE Words (1 puzzle)**^
- CK Words (1 puzzle)**^
- Double Consonants F, L, S (1 puzzle)**^
- Medial A CVC Words (3 puzzles)**^
- Beginning Sounds (6 puzzles with three options of each)^
- Short Vowel Words – Mixed Review (2 puzzles)**^
- Short Vowel Words – Separate Vowels (5 puzzles)**^
- CVCE Words (1 puzzle)**^
- CVCC Words (3 puzzles)**^
- CCVC Words (2 puzzles)*^
- Rhyming Words (3 puzzles)*^
- *PDF printables with four options of each
- **PDF printables with two options of each
- # 2×2 square options
- ^ 3×3 square options
Here is a visual to help you better understand the puzzles. You can choose which works best for your students OR pick and choose to differentiate within the same class.
You can get Kindergarten Literacy Puzzles on TPT here.
Or you can get same Kindergarten LIteracy Puzzles from my site here.
Let’s go through all the awesomeness in these Kindergarten Literacy Puzzles one more time!
- Seventeen literacy puzzles (with over 80 puzzles included)
- Digital options of some puzzles, compatible with Google Slides
- Editable rubric and exit slip in PowerPoint
How can these puzzles be used? I’m so glad you asked! Myself and THOUSANDS of others have used these puzzles as literacy centers, stations, or rotations. They’re also great for review and early or fast finishers. They can be used for enrichment, GATE (gifted and talented students), worksheet alternatives, critical thinking skills, ELA test prep, and even partner or small group collaboration.
If you think your students will need more support, I’ve got you covered! This entire article is written with extension and support ideas. And I can honestly say that I’ve had students with special needs finish these puzzles more quickly than their gifted classmates, and I’ve seen the most studious students have a productive struggle when trying these for the first time. BUT the majority of my students fall in love with these puzzles and honestly beg to do them over again once they understand the concept!
I’ve found that doing a puzzle together as a whole class helps the first time. This way students understand that they are looking for an uppercase A on the first puzzle piece that matches up to the lowercase a on the second puzzle piece.
You can get Kindergarten Literacy Puzzles on TPT here.
Or you can get same Kindergarten LIteracy Puzzles from my site here.
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