I like to keep my classroom rules VERY easy! Typically it's just one rule - be nice or show respect. The K-2 folks get the "be nice" rule, while the older kids get the "show respect" rule. (Keep reading for a FREE download you can display in your classroom!) This rules is then broken up into three main parts. to others to property to yourself Even though the rule only has one main part (or three smaller ones!), it can still be a … [Read more...] about School Rules – How to Teach Them to Start the Year Off Right!
Search Results for: label/classroom management
Getting Parents On Your Side As An Educator
Getting parents on your side can sometimes be a challenge for teachers, but it doesn't have to be that way! I've taught in a variety of schools over the years, and I've never really struggled with parent/guardian interactions. Instead, I've implemented the strategies below. If you do the same, you can get parents on your side right from the first day of school! - 1. Start the School Year Off Right I don't care what grade level you teach, there … [Read more...] about Getting Parents On Your Side As An Educator
Gathering Student Information FREEBIE
Gathering student information is so important at the start of a new school year. There are some things that are just "must-haves": how to contact the family (phone number, e-mail, best times to call?) emergency contacts in case parents can't be reached (I've found it's better for me to keep an updated list than the office, because sometimes the info at the office is outdated!) allergies the child has There are also some things that are … [Read more...] about Gathering Student Information FREEBIE
Departmentalizing Across Grade Levels
This past year our elementary school did something different. We decided to try departmentalizing across grade levels. Why, you ask? Because we only have one section of each grade, yet we felt our upper elementary students needed to rotate teachers to prepare them for junior high. That, and the three teachers each had a specialty. Our fourth grade teacher is excellent at teaching math and extremely qualified. I love reading and have … [Read more...] about Departmentalizing Across Grade Levels
How to Teach About the Presidential Election in Your Classroom
Can I just be honest for a moment? This year, many people are more heated about the election than in years past. The main two candidates have elicited strong emotions from people on both sides. That being said, it's hard to know how to teach about the presidential election in your classroom. Do you just pretend the 2016 election isn't taking place? Do you ignore talking about the candidates and simply focus on the process? Or … [Read more...] about How to Teach About the Presidential Election in Your Classroom
13 Fun Classroom Games
Classroom games are such a fun way to keep students engaged in school! Many of them are great for specific academic skills, but sometimes just the critical thinking skills involved are worthwhile on their own. Today I want to share 13 fun classroom games that can be used at nearly any elementary grade level. Some of these are classics, but others you'll be introduced to for the first time. This post contains affiliate links. You can read the … [Read more...] about 13 Fun Classroom Games
Teaching is a Journey: And Every Journey Looks Different
Teaching is a journey. I've known this to be true for a long time, but that truth hit even closer to home recently. My best friend and I started teaching around the same time frame. I've always known she was a good teacher, but I'm not sure she always believes in herself. I, on the other hand, have always felt like teaching came naturally. Please stop comparing yourself to other teachers. We are all at our own place on this teaching journey. … [Read more...] about Teaching is a Journey: And Every Journey Looks Different
An Open Letter to a New Teacher
You started the year excited, nervous, and overwhelmed - and chances are pretty strong that you've ridden that emotional roller coaster nearly every day, all year long. You're just learning about this whole teaching thing. You've come to realize that being a teacher is hard! As prepared as you thought you were, you aren't. Your classroom management is not yet fine tuned, you are struggling to fit everything in during the day, or you're just … [Read more...] about An Open Letter to a New Teacher
Are You Ready for Some Football?! Classroom Activities!
If you are a football fan like me, you want to celebrate Super Bowl Sunday, or the big game! If you aren't much of a football fan, maybe you have a classroom of students who are... Either way, here are some great classroom football activities you can use to have a fun, yet educational day in the classroom!Classroom Football Activities Updated January 2020This post contains affiliate links. This means I make a small commission at NO EXTRA … [Read more...] about Are You Ready for Some Football?! Classroom Activities!